What's in Store?

Note: As you will know from the ‘Intro,’ this is a blog with posts using five or fewer of the things words are made from. I find it hard to write like this, what with spell check, etc.

I’ve just taken my motor for its 10,000-mile check-up in a city near my home. I’m told it will take an hour or two (more like five!). So, I’m in a store across the road with a cafe to have a drink, a bacon cob, and a look about the place.

From how they look and speak, I see that many who work and shop here may come from other areas like India and Essex. I think that’s a good thing. I say mix and learn from each other, shia and share alike. I hope they stay; the ones that work at my local car wash are very good. I give them a tip so they can send some money home.

Have you been to a Range? They can't decide what to sell, so they have loads and loads of stuff from across the board. I'd call it ‘Home on the Range’ if you ask me. You can even buy cover for your pet if (or when) they get poorly. Food, from the first meal of the day to those ready meals to heat and eat when you get home, too tired or lazy to cook from fresh. I got a pie – for one! I know that seems sad, but it saves on fuel at 180° (Fan) for 10 mins; over a year, that’s a huge save. I will put some veg with it – peas, etc. I like to make sure of my five a day. if I think I’m short, I have an extra slice of lime in my G&T.

When I have a guest, I might go mad and buy an M&S Meal for two at £12 a pop (x2 or more if it's a party) or, if it's my b’day, it's been known for me to ‘push the boat’ and dine out at a local inn, noted for its good value. Fish & chips, and pint for only £7.62 (2 – 5 pm, Mon – Fri).

I never, well, it’s rare for me to go to a wine bar, even the one close by. Not that I don’t like wine, it's just that at the price you pay – over £6 (at least) for 125 ml, I can get 3 pints of beer. And that seems odd: beer by the pint or half, wine in 125 ml, 250 ml, etc. It must be a glass thing, don’t you know? I’m not keen on these new units; I only did LSD as a child. To tell the truth, I don't care for some of the types that go to wine bars these days. Most are DFLs, unlike the old days when you could meet and marry a girl born here. I’m from Kent but moved here 45 years ago, well, not to this place – think god! So I pass as a local – when it suits me, that is.

Could one shop at the Range and forgo all others? From crib to grave, as it were? It’s just an idea. The basic items for the first home are here, from a wine glass to a TV….hold it—no TVs! Some items are not in Range after all.

I just had a call to say my motor is ready. No probs, it’s a cinch.

That is it for now.
