Give Me Five

My first post gave you the idea of my blog. If you have not read it, I've moved it to ‘Intro’ (see above).

Now for my 2nd. What about five things with 5 in? Let’s start with:

Five Gold Rings

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave me five gold rings. But what to do with them? I would hope to pluck them first and put them into the pot—it's the only place for a game bird. But I'm no cook, so let’s move on. It's time for tea.

PM at 5 pm

Today, The World at One, and last but not least, PM. The first was on my car radio as I drove the sixty miles to work and PM as I drove home, for over 25 years, until 2012. All on BBC Radio 4. I did stray onto Radio 2 at times, I admit, for John Dunn's show and try and guess the voice. Now it's all LBC and phone calls with Nick, James, et al. When I did stray, it was back to 4 for the news at six until I was home. On hols, I heard Radio 5 – a sort of Radio 4 light. If the news was bad – as most days, it was over to Radio 3 but never Radio 1 – well, not for many years. No, Radio 4 was at the top of the pops in my chart. But I still miss the Light, Home and Third. I'd give them a high five today.

High Fives

When COVID was rife, we could not give the NHS a ‘High Five’ for their great work due to the two-metre rule. We would bang pots and pans to show our thanks. We found out later that someone had broken the rules they had made and held a party at work. Later, some paid a fine, and others lost their job. Some paid the fine and got the job others had lost. Some had to test their eyes by going a long way from home. Still, rules are rules. You learn rules as a five-year-old, don't you?

The Well-known Five

Enid wrote 22 books about kids, with five in the title. The first was in 1942, and the last was in 1962. Maybe she had stopped then, as ‘Five do Sex, Drugs and Rock-and-Roll’ didn’t go down well with Mum and Dad. Mind you, two out of three ain’t bad, as I told my mum! One had the title ‘Five Get into a Fix’, but ‘Five Go to Rehab’ never made it to print. If they had any sense, they would have gone to a movie, like:

Five Easy Bits

Again, it's not the real title, but it's close and as good as it gets to Jack’s later film after he flew the nest. What more can I say? Take five and go see!

Whew! That's my ‘five-for’ over. It might have been easy for Jack, but it's gone five, and it's time to call it a day.

Until the next time
